There are plenty of great ARPGs

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of the absolute craziness involved in building and customizing your character, not in spite of it.

"Simplicity is not a goal of ours."

He expanded on that, of course, to say that the skill gem system in Path of Exile 2 has some improvements to be more user friendly despite not actually paring down the available options, sort of a 'have your cake and eat it too' situation. And honestly, I was relieved to hear him say that. Path of Exile is great largely because of the absolute craziness involved in building and customizing your character, not in spite of it POE currency trade .

(Image credit: Grinding Gear Games)
There are plenty of great ARPGs for players who don't want to dig through a 1500 node skill tree, and hearing that Path of Exile 2 wasn't going to sacrifice the craziness on the altar of a largely imaginary 'appeal to a larger audience' made me even more excited for its release.

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By submitting your information you agree to the Terms Conditions and Privacy Policy and are aged 16 or over.Path of Exile 2 is 'freaking huge': adds 6 new classes, 100 bosses, and will run side-by-side with PoE

In 2019, Grinding Gear Games gave us our first look at Path of Exile 2, and with the exception of a couple of small teasers, we've heard almost nothing about it since then. It was supposed to be a sequel akin to Overwatch 2—originally not really a new game per se, but more like a giant patch or remaster that would update the game with new graphics buy Path of exile currency , content, and systems.
