3m, N95, KN95, medical protection, so many masks, are you wearing the right one? _ Standard

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3m, N95, KN95, medical protection, so many masks, are you wearing the right one? _ Standard

Original title: 3m, N95, KN95, medical protection, so many masks, are you wearing the right one? In the winter of 2020, masks have become the most popular "New Year's goods", and there is a trend that "masks" are hard to find. After all, the most effective way to prevent and control the epidemic is to wear masks. Faced with the overwhelming influx of information and the rush to buy in the circle of friends. We meet again with a large number of keywords. What's the difference between "3m", "N95", "Medical Surgery" and "KN95" masks with different labels? Can't you stop the virus without wearing N95? I believe everyone has the same doubts, so Zhidian classifies and summarizes the types of masks sold on the market, hoping to help you calm down and choose. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization and many experts at home and abroad, it is recommended to use N95/FFP2 masks of the same or higher level for protection when influenza virus comes. So what is N95 mask? N95 Explanation: N95 is a standard developed by NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health). N "means not resistant to oil." 95 "means that the particle concentration inside the mask is more than 95% lower than that outside the mask when exposed to the specified number of special test particles. The value of 95% is not an average, but a minimum. What is the KN95 with more "K" than the N95? KN95 level is one of the levels specified in the Chinese standard GB2626-2006. N95 and KN95 are basically the same in terms of technical requirements and test methods, but they belong to different national standards. Here, you should note that N95 or KN95 is not a specific brand product name, as long as it meets the N95 (or KN95) standard and passes the examination,Medical Disposable Coverall, it can be called "N95 (KN95) mask". Expand the full text Medical protective mask or surgical mask or disposable medical mask. Most people will also confuse several types of medical masks. In fact, the simple understanding is to use different levels of masks for different use environments. The technical requirements of medical protective masks need to meet the technical requirements of GB19083-2010, and the requirements for filtration efficiency and resistance are higher, so the filter material must reach N95 level or above. The corresponding standard of surgical mask is YY 0469-2011: among the three types of masks, the requirements for hemodialysis conditions are the most stringent. The environment used is clinical surgery and other environments. The corresponding standard of disposable medical mask is YY/T0969-2013, which is simply the most common mask used in hospitals. (Image from: Pupu's lab) These masks, in terms of virus protection effect: Medical protective mask (N95 ≈ KN95) medical surgical mask ordinary medical mask (including medical nursing, disposable medical mask, etc.) protective articles in other mask shapes (cotton gauze protective mask, windproof and warm mask) bare face 3m masks, KN95 Face Mask ,Medical Full Body Coverall, which are often mentioned, refer to all products produced by 3m that can be called masks. According to 3m, it can be divided into medical masks, particulate protective masks and comfortable and warm masks, each of which has different protective emphasis. There are many models. Zhidian also searched on Zhihu for half a day, and 3m officially recommended 9501V + protective masks, which can prevent influenza virus. Note: Many people mentioned that masks with breathing valves can not prevent viruses, which we also refuted a rumor. Both medical N95 and N95 respirators have the function of respiratory protection against particulate matter suspended in the air. However, because the medical N95 is used in a medical environment, the medical mask worn must be able to prevent the droplets and bacteria produced by the wearer's breathing and speech from entering the surgical environment, and at the same time resist the penetration of blood under pressure, and the mask itself must be hygienic, so the number of microorganisms on the original mask can not exceed the standard, and the mask is not allowed to have an exhalation valve; However, N95 protective masks do not have the function of surgical mask, which can protect against influenza viruses, infectious droplets or other harmful particles in the air, and it is sufficient to use ordinary N95 protective masks or protective masks with equivalent performance. Choice of masks for virus prevention At present, there is a shortage of 3m N95 mask on the market, and small partners should not be nervous about you, as long as the mask meets the N95 standard, other brands can also be purchased. Of course, you really can't buy an N95 mask, and it's better to wear an N90 mask than not. We also found a related test of the filtering effect of most masks from Zhihu, for your reference only. (Mask filtration effect test-filtration standard for non-oily particles above 0.3 micron, from Zhihu) In fact, in addition to masks, we can prevent infection through the following measures: If not necessary, try to avoid going to public places where people gather. Staying at home is always the safest. Wash hands frequently, use soap and hand sanitizer to clean hands before meals and after defecation or touching public articles; change and wash clothes worn outside in time after returning home. Keep the environment ventilated, open more windows at home to keep the air circulating for about 30 minutes each time. Pay attention to rest and nutrition,CE Certificate KN95 Mask, improve self-immunity, do not cause immunity decline due to excessive staying up late and fatigue, and increase the risk of self-infection! Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:. zjyuan-group.com
