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Music Diffusion studio
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VériHier the features of your sound card to calibrate with your app.
Proper export for mastering must be -6 dB, a good start to the mix should be between -12 and
Or if you prefer your metter kick -12dB to adjust your other tracks and vériHiez that the whole exceeds
-10dB not so able to work and achieve - 6dB output Mix.

2 - Keep a dynamic margin to work properly, the Headroom also called Gain Staging
Be sure to watch your levels, as recording to mixing, indeed softwares like
sound cards are not made to work at the bottom or in the red!

1 - Prepare the Mix
Use a color code (always the same) for each instrument will help you find your way
quickly in the arrangement, you will remain focused on sound and if you edit a mix that date
6 months you will immediately efHicace.
Rename your tracks properly and store them together by family.
Mixing requires a lot of concentration and energy, do not work more than 2 hours on the
same title, made regular breaks and step back, time will help you make the right


conseil mastering etc...

Avec plus de 100 millions de CD vendus et de streams, Most Wanted Music a acquis un veritable savoir-faire à chaque étape de la réalisation d’un projet musical. De la première note de musique, au mixage, jusqu’à sa diffusion à un large public…


Avec plus de 100 millions de CD vendus et de streams, Most Wanted Music a acquis un veritable savoir-faire à chaque étape de la réalisation d’un projet musical. De la première note de musique, au mixage, jusqu’à sa diffusion à un large public…